Since Young I feel connected to the beautiful and true meaning of Life, Love, Compassion, Universe, Unity, Lifes and Logos.
I discover myself as Integral Yoga teacher for Raja, Jnana, Karma, Bakti, Nidra, Integral and Meditation in an intense journey to Nepal and the highest and pure Himalayan mountains.
Now integrated into this truly magical, holistic and integrative world, I also becomes a LifeCoach therapist and facilitator, as well as a promoter and organizer of retreats, festivals, holistic events and workshops.
As I helped myself to find my true and honest higher self and purpose, I feel very much the mission to help others to do the same and free themselves from what weighs them down, through tools that I intuitively developed and others based on Himalayan traditions.
I study and I do studies in Esoteric Science, Theosophy, Universalism and Studied Religions and the Truth behind.
Zé Dutra Branco (+info)
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